Jan 10, 2012



We are busy having our vacation right now. Been partying 9 days straight in Bangkok and Khon Kaen. And now we are at the beach getting a tan. Hopefully.

Just wanted to update the blog so you know what's going on.

See you!

~ Malta and Anny

Dec 21, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone!

[Anny is the one counting down the days until our trip here on the blog. We're both so excited right now.]

I really love Christmas, and I'm so happy I'll spend it at home in Sweden before going to Thailand. It's just such a happy holiday. Making our own candy, decorating the tree, the food, all movies on the TV, even the commercial and so on.

I even made a Christmas nail design. Here's a picture.

Fun thing is that you can change the red color for black, gold or royal blue and you got yourself a New Years Eve nail design. Can be for any occasion.

Last year I made a Christmas inspired make-up, but not this year. I'll give you a picture from last year instead.

Maybe not so wearable, but fun.

I think that's it from me right now, but I'll check in here with some more posts before leaving the country.

Hope everyone will have a great Christmas with loved ones and just put all bad feelings away for a week. Happy holidays!

~ Malta

Dec 16, 2011

12 12 12

Todays it's 12 days left to our awesome trip to Thailand!

Dec 10, 2011

Less and less time, the escape is near.

Yeah we're busy girls.

Now it's less than 19 days before we're going on a vacation for a whole month!
We're going to celebrate the new year in paradise.
It's going to be the second time we travel outside of Sweden together and this time it's for a long time.

The last time we went to Paris, France to celebrate Annys birthday and watch a dance battle.
The whole trip was a mix of disaster and success... At least we have great memories from it.
Even though we were in Paris just for a weekend we don't think we've ever failed so many times.

Starting in Sweden we had to stand outside in the middle of the night for 2 hours when it was about 5 degrees centigrade. Freezing! [This is a good/bad part, because we actually got a friend while waiting outside in the cold. Shout out to Daniel!]

Then when we arrived to Paris we took the wrong subway and ended up in the ghetto or something like that. Took us the half day to get to our hostel.
And talking about the hostel, eew! Cheap, but so creepy! We think some illegal stuff was going on in and absolutely outside of the hostel. Like in a movie, right!?

But our time in Paris was actually really nice. To bad we were tired and didn't do that much. No party, no sightseeing besides the Eiffel Tower, no shopping, no french food. But we had fun, promise!

The way home was the craziest. Halfway to the bus station Anny realize that she forgot the plane ticket on the hostel, so we had to go back and get it.
When we finally arrived to the bus station, we realize that we had missed some information and that we were supposed to go with 'the swedish bus' one and a half hour earlier.
Yep, we woke up to late, and now we needed a fast solution. Taxi.
A 1400 swedish krone ride and 5 minutes left until the check-in closed we were safe at the airport.
It's insane that the airplane didn't crash!

In conclusion we learned alot and for this coming trip we've been planning for 5 months instead of 3 weeks.
We will keep our fingers crossed that we survive once again, but no doubt about it after 'the hell trip'.

And now we absolutely have to share some pictures from the trip, enjoy!

~ Anny and Malta

Nov 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Malta!

Okey guys!!! This day is a big big big day!!
My best friend Malta is turning 20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOHOO :D

Nov 15, 2011


So, my birthday is coming up in just a week or so. I'm turning 20. Here in Sweden that's a really important age.

The best thing about being 20 is that you can finally buy alcohol at the liquor store. Or, that can also be a bad thing. You can end up broke and get a messed up liver! ;)

A nother thing is that you're leaving your teen life behind. You are now officially an adult.
Oh no! All responsibility you get. You have to pay full price for the bus, the train, start paying the dentist, the doctor and so on.
20 is the age when you are at the bottom of your economy, that's for sure.

I actually want to hide and be unreachable on my birthday. It's always the same every year.

I have to answer the phone, which I hate, because 'It's for you, it's going to be somebody who wants to say Happy Birthday!' (<- My dad.) And when I answer it's always 'Hello... Oh ok... Dad it's for you, it's from your job...'. (-__-'' <- Me.)
No one calls my home phone. No one even calls my cell phone.

You know, something I would really want for my birthday is a surprise party. How considerable wouldn't that be?! With all my friends obviously.
To me, throwing a surprise party is the best way to show that you care about a person. It takes alot of planning, arranging and hard work to make a surprise party successful!
It's sad it's never going to happen.

Anny turned 20 this last March. I think she had the perfect birthday. We were in Paris, France.
We were at the Juste Debout dance battle finale. Yes, perfect place to be at for your birthday if your're a dance addict.

Anyway, I really don't expect anything at all for my birthday. I'm kind of sad about it. I wish I could arrange a huge party or go on a trip or something. You only turn 20 once, and to not make something of it is a waste.

Oh well, I'll aim for my 30th birthday then.

My fav pic of us. On Annys 20th birthday in France.

~ Malta

Nov 9, 2011

Congrats to BIG BANG!

This last Sunday the MTV EMA was airing. Both me and Anny were glued to our TV's.

We have been strong fans to the South Korean group BIG BANG for many years now, and they were one of the nominees for the Worldwide Act category.

In the category Britney Spears were also a nominee. The others I really don't care who they are, sorry.

BIG BANG won! Such a beautiful moment. They really deserved the award for all that they've been going through and how hard they've been working until now. I'm so proud to be a fan.

'The Moment'

Thank you for your awesome music and congratulations for winning the award!

See ya!
~ Malta

Oct 29, 2011

Home sweet home

I'm finally back home in my parents house. It's been a long day. Packing stuff, traveling and then unpack...

I just saw this new video from Simon and Martina. The reactions from their familys made me tear up a bit. So sweet! I love them!

I tried to find a good picture of my house, but could only find this picture with alot of snow... Real winter.

Or maybe this picture is better...

Nah... But this is how it looks like now. Just a bit more colors. Real autumn.

See ya!
~ Malta

I'm so tired right now...

Oct 28, 2011

My dog, Mong!

Hey guys!
I just want to tell you that I bought a dog today! His name is Mong.
Isn't he cute? 

Black Diamond

As the make-up and Youtube junkie that I am, I got really excited when I saw this.

Black Diamond Makeup Tutorial - QueenOfBlendingMUA

Love love love love love this look!

See ya!
~ Malta

Oct 26, 2011

It's me, Anny!

Hello everyone, it's Anny! I don't think you will need another introduction of me because Malta did a really good job with that, so thank you! The reason why I didn't do it myself was because i had dancepractice with my team. Like Malta wrote, im the maincoach of a cheerdanceteam here in Hudiksvall called "Julle Shiningstars". Awesome girls, I tell you... Awesome! <3

I really don't know what to write because im pretty tired right now. I hope you understand why. haha. mwah mwah dance <3

Well, I'm gonna sleep soon because it's really late here in Sweden but i promise you that i'm gonna write more about me and my life tomorrow!

Kiss and goodnight 


I'm in the midst of packing right now.
The story goes like this: I've been living in Stockholm for about a year now (okey, 10 months) and I'm moving back 300 km north, to the little coastal town Hudiksvall.
I moved to Stockholm for my education to become a make-up artist.
At first I lived with a woman in the middle of the town, but as she turned out to be mentally ill, I moved to a suburb, 24 minutes away with the metro, and I've been living at that place until now.

I've been living with a family in their apartment. I got my own room and bathroom, and full access to the kitchen. Don't think I would find anywhere better to stay than this, really.
The family consist of a father, a mother and their 3 years old son. They've been like a second family to me and I'm a bit sad to be leaving.

But at the same time, I'm happy to be moving home again. The reason being that I miss my family and friends. I'm excited!

The distance.

See ya!
~ Malta

Introduction time!

Welcome to Eat Your Meatballs! Malta's typing right now.
So, let me introduce you to the persons behind Eat Your Meatballs.

First, we have Anny. I'll try to shortly describe her the best I can, even though she's 300 km away at the moment.
Anny is the sweetest person you can ever meet. She wouldn't harm anybody on purpose. But watch out, she's still fierce as hell!
She's a great dancer, an amazing leader of the Julle United's cheerdance team Shiningstars and a doglover.
One thing I can expose about Anny is that whenever we're going out, she changes her clothes 12 times before she's satisfied with her outfit. ;)

Okey, that was the best I could do at the moment. Not that detailed, huh? Ah well, she can introduce herself another time.

Now, what about me, Malta? Wow, it's almost harder to describe yourself than someone else.
Okey, let's just start by saying that Malta isn't my real name, but just a nickname.
Then, I can tell you that I'm very picky. I don't like letting people into my life, which can make me a bit cold when you first meet me. But when you get to know me, I'm very funny. A clown.
I'm a make-up artist, loving Youtube and a catlover.

So, that was a very short introduction about who Eat Your Meatballs are. If you follow this blog, you can get to know more about us and our interests.

See ya!
~ Malta